First steps in American History


 Wie kam es zum Sezessionskrieg?

Am 8.2.1861 schlossen sich sechs US-bundesstaaten zu den “Konföderierten Staaten von Amerika“ zusammen.

Präsident Abraham Lincoln erkannte den Austritt der Südstaaten aus den USA jedoch nicht an und schickte in den Süden.

Was bedeutet das Wort Sezession?

Das Wort Sezession kommt aus den Lateinischen: Secessio bedeutet Abspaltung oder Abseits gehen. Im politischen Sinn ist damit die Loslösung einzelner Landesteile aus einem bestehenden Staat gemeint mit dem Ziel, einen neuen souveränen Staat zu bilden.

The American Civil War

What does the word secession mean?

The word secession comes from the Latin secessio and means in German "secession" or "go aside".
In this case it means Southern states wanted to leave the Unions

Yankees against Confederates

On April 12th, Confederate troops began attacking the north ("Yankees"). That was the bloody beginning of the American civil war.
Abraham Lincoln, he restricted his rights and issued a general conscription for the first time, which in turn led to problems and conflicts.
Militarily, the southern states could no longer win the war, they wanted to prevent Abraham Lincoln being re-elected. When the war was over, Abraham Lincoln was re-elected

Deadly assassination

The last Confederate troops surrendered on April 26, 1865. However, Lincoln did not experience that since he was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14th. John was a radical Southerner.

How many deaths did this war demand?

Around 650,000 people lost their lives in the civil war. The war costed over 8 billion dollars. In the end, the north won the war because of its superior industrial production.